
Showing posts from 2020

Think Before You Click

#ThinkBeforeYouClick #EtechISNHS 11-PEARL JAMES BUTCH PAOA

Pandemic ka lang, I am Filipino

Image Source: 000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKi0zsjgne0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD Covid-19 has greatly affected our everyday activities in education, economy, tourism and more, internationally. This situation gave us threat and challenge that made us to limit our outdoor activities. The enhance community lockdown made us feel that we're in the same situation with animals but the outcome of it was very effective in controlling the spread of virus.  We youths have also contributed in the society during this pandemic. Most of us followed the lockdown guidelines like staying at home. We youths got also to social medias to share some information about the virus like what we had on this subject. The awareness of people on our situation right now is very important to end this virus even we don't have vaccine. We nee...

Bullying: Depression

Image 2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fstop-bullying.jpg& logs%2Fconsumer%2Ffamily-safety%2Fend-the-hate-20-ways-to-stand-up-and-help-stop-bullying%2F&tbnid=auqvUgNmyucNOM&vet=12ahUKEwiC9One1JHoAhUF8pQKHacuBdYQMygEegUIARC_AQ..i&docid=78bUB 4sM4nhTtM&w=1000&h=667&q=bullying&ved=2ahUKEwiC9One1JHoAhUF8pQKHacuBdYQMygEegUIARC_AQ   Bullying is a worldwide problem that have both short and long term effect. Bullying is defined as unwanted or aggressive behavior that causes someone to feel afraid or intimidated. Bullying is a main epidemic facing modern school kids. From stealing one's lunch, money, spreading rumors, and other that causes a child to be down. Bullying has a different form. Physical bullying; kicking, punching, and more. Verbal bullying; through word they hurt their fellow classmate. Cyber bullying; through the use of social media platforms. So...

Last but not the end

Image dqkd9VSptK5bKYxtNaAe2OW9mstuBuEO1IjMoKraRDgjLna     In this quarter I've gain a lot of things especially in creating and publishing photos that edited from the photoshop. I also discovered the importance of photoshop and how it was used.      Using the photoshop is very hard because of its wide range and many different tools , but I overcome it through searching and trials on internet and through the unending help and guidance of my seatmates and my friends.      Moving on, I will do my best to learn creating and editing a very nice pictures that would isnpire and give knowledge to the one who seas it.

My Dream, My Future

 Every person has a dream, to be an accountant, engineer, soldier, and more. Other wants to fly or to have special powers. Dreaming starts in our childhood because when we are a child we are easily attracted to what professional person have like a lot of money, house, car, and more. When I was a kid, I dreamed to be an engineer. I was raised in the farm and experience all the activities done in the farm. As time past, my dream to be an engineer becomes my motivation to past through all the challenges coming to my life.

ISNHS Foundation Day

Image High school day also know as foundation day for students and teachers of Ilocos Sur National High School. It is also a fun activity but we can also consider this as recreational activity because students from different grade level showcase their talent in dancing. The performance is being juged by the honorable guests. This important activity is done in the month of march annually. The celebration starts with the parade with the candidates for Mr and Mrs valentines followed by the performance of students. This is a great opportunity for students to have same fun. They can also developed their self especially their self confidence and their talent in dancing. It is also fun to watch their performance because they give a lot of time in practicing. Thi...

Kannawidan 2020

Image Held in Vigan city on Jan. 28 to Feb. 17, the festival opened with the residents’ expression of gratitude to the blessings of God on Jan. 28. Government workers from national and local offices, public officials and members of non-government organizations united in the Holy Mass concelebrated at Saint Paul Cathedral in this city. As people of faith in the Christian world, Ilocanos gather in their religious events on special feast days of patron saints.  One mission of the festival is paying more attention to the children. It is because of the observation that many traditions, songs, dances, and other Ilocano culture are not recognized by the younger generations of the province. Instead, children are paying more attention to the modern and novelty dances they see television than the traditional ones. It is one of the reasons why the Kannawidan Festival is conducted.  Kannawidan festi...

Everything starts in our selves

Image 019/11/Independent-Insights-Change-is-Good-3.jpg        They say that "Everything will come to an end" or let just simply say there are no permanent things.  we said earlier that nothing last forever because we all know that every object will be destroyed and every plants, animals, and humans will die. Everyday we see some changes on our surroundings but lets only focus on our selves.       We notice some changes in ourselves everyday: Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Socially, and more. People change through experience. This changes makes people better that can possibly influence other and can change the world.  

Vigan Longganisa Festival 2020

Image 2ahUKEwjK-7eWrIfnAhUhguYKHZz1BRQQjRx6BAgBEAQ& val-in-ilocos-sur%2F&psig=AOvVaw1uqB6xKmb8 JYzUz2MCvyX3&ust=1579237465193151     The Vigan longaganisa is a small native sausage, good for about two or three bites. It is unique because of some of its flavor. It is garlicky and differ of color compared to other variety of longganisa. According to my research Vigan longganisa is said to be an influence of the Mexican salami. The tradition of making this native has existed since the period of the Spanish galleon trade.        For nearly a decade, Vigan has also hosted longganisa festivals every January which are attended by thousands of local and foreign visitors. The Biguenos are so proud of their longganisa that they have made it as the product they would like to be most known for. They had it re...

New Year, New Start!!

Image jd8q63qYLnAhWmHqYKHTNNBb8QjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A% an-on-start-line-ready-for-new-business-challenge-image264398549 .html&psig=AOvVaw1g3fr3G_rMycRsEoz-QttJ&ust=1579064863222138   Another year, another opportunity to change, to improve and more for a fresh start. Now that 2019 is officially over and we’re moving into 2020, it’s the perfect time of year to adjust our mindsets, change our habits and plan for a productive year ahead. Take the time to choose a New Year’s resolution or two and get planning for what’s to come.     In order to move forward into the New Year, it’s important to reflect on the previous year so we can get a sense of where you’re at and how you should continue to proceed. Not only is this the perfect time of year to make changes and set goals for our own life, but it’s also a great time of y...