
Showing posts from December, 2019


Image er-ladder-web-679798542-iStock_sorbetto.jpgV In third quarter I've gain and discover again a lot of things again. In creating my blogs, I improved in making my contents and I think that it was better than my contents in the first and second grading.  In our new lesson Microsoft Front Page, I was very happy in the beginning because in our first activity it was so easy. But going on our activity gets harder and harder especially on our last activity because I didn't understand the steps so didn't finish it in one sitting. With the help of some of my classmates I finished it. They explain all the errors that makes the me confused so I can’t follow. Moving on, I will do my best to learn so that I can give back to my classmate by helping them also if they in need. 

LOVE: The true essence of CRISTMAS

Image =isch&chips=q:christmas,g_1:clipart:trHQPsmJcfc%3D&client=ms-a ndroidsamsung&prmd=ivn&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwiO7u 7x6armAhWTAZQKHaQvARkQ4lYoAHoECAEQFQ&biw=360&bih=5 60#imgrc=5yp5C2pUedaMoM Every person has his own priorities, his own wants and needs. Some people may choose material things, while others may prefer tangible ones such as love, peace, prosperity and good health among others. No matter what these people wish for these Christmas holiday what matters most is that the desires of their hearts are granted as long as nobody is hurt. This Christmas season, it is important for us to bear in our minds the reason why we are celebrating this season. In this month of December, it is a especial month for us to remember that our Lord came in this world in order to save us from our sins. And its time for us to celebrate his birth trough spreading giod vibes and love. Christmas also guides as to be humble beca...

Ignite the FLAME of EQUALITY

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