
Showing posts from July, 2019

Disaster Preparedness

Image h+2019+theme&sourc e=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjClofA2urjAhWKd94KHXOqCPwQ_AUIESgB&bi w=1366&bih=657#imgdii=I8xNfb8mpmB29M:&imgrc=QnZHuPKUXfuroM:           We believe that disaster risk reduction and management is very important. It is not only the government’s concern because in times of calamity whether you are old or young, rich or poor everybody will be affected. We can save ourselves if we start within ourselves.                       This year’s theme was “Kahandaan sa sakuna’t peligro, Para sa tunay na pagbabago”. We must train ourselves so that we can survive during disasters and we can also save other people because natural disaster will come whenever they want they want and they are very destructive that no one has the ability to stop it but we can prepare for ...

Be Healthy to Be Happy

 Nutrition status in the Philippines was very low and these is very alarming especially to DOH(Department of Health) . Nutrition is very important. It make us grow properly, healthy, and do our daily task. ce=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwic766i7_7jA hXFad4KHbsgDA0QjRx6BAgBEAQ & 19%2F07%2F01%2Fnutrition-month-2 019-kicks-off%2F&psig=AOvVaw2KTTw-Se 3mBZm0nP97jCG2&ust=1565752094908518         The DOH(Department of Health) wants to stop the poor nutrition status of the Philippines, so they implemented activities that would help us to improve our health so that we will not get disease easily. DOH(Department of Health) in cooperation with DepEd(Department of Education) this activities would reach schools because most of youths were malnourish. July is the month were those activities were especially to help nourish the Filipino.         We ...


We cannot Photo source: PATROL.PH stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: So many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness (Petra Nemcova) because there is no life will be lost as long as we are prepared. Earthquake is one of the most alarming and dangerous disaster because no one can predict when or where it will occur. National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill is the best contribution of NDRRMC for preparing us students to survive and expand our knowledge about earthquakes and whenever the big one occur we are prepared. They can’t help you if you if you don’t need help.

Letter to President

 https://tokyo.philembass ads/2016/08/PRRD- PORTRAIT-200x300.jpg James Butch Paoa Cabusligan, Bantay, Ilocos Sur 0997 9420 356 June 11, 2019 MR. RODRIGO DUTERTE President of the Philippines MalacaƱang Palace Dear President Duterte, A pleasant day to you Mr. President, I just want to thank you sir for being responsible in making our country better than the past administration of Aquino. Since you become our president, the illegal activities like crime, rape, and especially on drugs, becomes lower. I hope that you will continue you plans to improve our country Philippines so that we reach the same level of other countries Sincerely yours, James Butch Paoa             

Independence Day

Image     One of the most celebrated holiday in the Philippines was the “Independence Day”. June 12, 1898 was the first celebration of Filipino Independence.           Independence Day is best event in the Philippine history because if no one will stand up and fight for our country, I think Spanish were still holding us from neck. I salute all the Filipino who sacrifice their own lives just to fight for our country so that we and the future generations will experience and enjoy the unique beauty of our country Philippines. Sad to say that nowadays, some Filipinos had forgotten and didn’t know the true meaning of Independence Day.         We should not forget all the sacrifices of Filipinos for our country instead pray for their souls and give thanks to them


      Hello!! My name is James Butch Paoa. I live at Cabusligan, Bantay, Ilocos Sur with my father Rodolfo Paoa, my mother Mildred Paoa and my younger sister Jillian Joy Paoa. Im currently studying at Ilocos Sur National High School and my section is Markov. October 11, 2003 is my birthday and I'm now 15 years of age. My favorite color is blue. Cycling is my sport, because it makes me happy and it took me to many places in Ilocos Norte, Abra and more. My dream is to become an Enginner. My motto is "Measure twice, cut once." because in all decision I'll make, I think of atleast twice so that if  I will fail , its easier for me to accept my failure.